Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Book Character Dress Up Day!!

Pinkalicious, Fancy Nancy, and A Bad Case of the Stripes
Today at our school, we celebrated "Book Character Dress Up Day" as a fundraiser for Eblen Charities.  All the kindergarten and first grade students lined up in the hallway, and we went on a parade to see everyone's outfits.  You can see myself and some of my AMAZING team members in this picture :)

It's been a crazy long time since I last posted, but that's because I just now finally feel like I can come up to breathe.  These past couple of months have been overwhelming, exhausting, and defeating.  However, I'm finally getting into the groove of things and can truly say that I am enjoying my job.  My kiddos are mostly wonderful, and my teammates...OMG what would I do without them?!

Everyone told me the first year would be the hardest, and I definitely believed them, but I still wasn't prepared for this level of difficulty!  I'm taking it one day at a time, and am hoping to delve back into the blogging world now!

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