Meet the Teacher

Hello! I'm in my 3rd year of teaching kindergartners-- who've taught me more in the past two years than I ever thought possible!  They are so full of love for life and learning and are enthusiastic about learning.  Our school mascot is a Bobcat, in case you were wondering why that was part of my blog title.

Instructional technology is a huge interest of mine, and I continue looking for ways my students can use technology to create and deepen their learning.  This year I have a few technology-related goals: one of them is to get a Twitter account started for my class so that we can begin becoming responsible digital citizens.  We are going to continue blogging and connecting with other classrooms around the world as well as with our own community.  I also want my students to become comfortable with the art of digital storytelling.  I am wrapping up my first year of graduate school, on course to obtain a degree in Instructional Technology!  One year down, one more to go!

When I'm not teaching or working on grad school, I like to go outdoors and hike, tube (snow or river!), snowboard, hammock, and walk/jog.  I have a sweet rescue dog and spend as much time loving on her as possible (my students know all about her!)  Yes, she's wearing a pink hoodie, and yes, she is the cutest thing ever :)

I have been really inconsistent in the past couple of years with blogging, but am hoping to make a change there this year.  One thing that's really been stressed in my grad program is the idea of a PLN.  I have been stalking blogs for a couple of years, but now it's time for me to really start being a participant instead of a spectator!

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