Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Productivity, My First Blog Award, and Some Questions

This little lady has been so productive recently that I haven't had time to sit down and write another post.  

Yesterday, I took my pup for a walk when we woke up.  We checked out the apartments where we'll soon be living (yay for independence!)  and I let her run all around the dog park 'til she was tuckered out.  After dropping her back at home, I got my oil changed and headed over to my grandma's old house, where I've been storing the teaching supplies I've built up over the years. I loaded my car with as much as poor little Franklin could handle and took it over to my classroom(!).   (And of course I took my teacher toolbox with me!!)

I also decided to organize all the notes and handouts I've accumulated at various professional development sessions in the past few years.  Now I have a notebook with 6 sections (will probably gain more as time goes on) totally dedicated to all that I've learned just in professional development sessions.  

Now for the fun news!  Lara over at Organized Teaching Addict has graciously given my blog its very first award, the Versatile Blogger Award!  Thanks Lara!  What an encouragement to someone who has just stuck her feet in the blogging world!

Here are the rules for award winners....

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Include a link to their site.
3. Include the award image in your post.
4. Give 7 random facts about yourself.
5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award. --Sorry I'm breaking the rules, I'm only doing 4 right now! 
6. When nominating, include a link to their site.
7. Let the other bloggers know they've been nominated.

Here are my 7 Random Facts :)

1. My dog is considered a rescue dog, but I think she's the one who rescued me!  God sent us to each other at just the right time. 
2.  I'm ridiculously allergic to horses, which makes me sad because I really enjoy horseback riding.
3. My grandpa is part of a hiking club and I go with them every so often... It's a club full of retired people, but sometimes I have a hard time keeping up with their pace!
4. I will be teaching at the "rival" elementary school of where I student taught.  My heart is torn!
5. My dream is to one day own a motorcycle.
6. I could be a good cook...if I could just remember to lay out the meat... several hours in advance instead of right when I want to fix the meal!
7.  I like snowboarding, but am in no way good at it!  Same with singing... my students will just have to put up with it or sing louder than me :)

And my nominations are.....

  1. I Love My Classroom
  2. 4th Grade Frolics
  3. Surviving the First Year
  4. Kindertrips

Questions from the newbie blogger:: 

How do you post awards on your blog?
How do you insert files into your blog?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie!
    Thank you so much for nominating me for the award. It was too sweet of you and I really appreciate it:))

    4th Grade Frolics
